The Annual IRIS Timeline

Initiative for Research and Innovation in STEM (IRIS) is a program by EXSTEMPLAR Education Linkers Foundation which aims to promote and nurture science and scientific research among young Indian innovators, from government schools pan India, with the objective of recognizing and rewarding outstanding scientific research projects. This engagement offers a platform to young innovators (classes 5-12) to showcase their talent at a national level. It also gives them a chance to be part of the Indian contingent representing the country at the International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF).

What is IRIS?

The IRIS National Fair promotes and nurtures science and scientific research among young Indian innovators. It recognises and rewards outstanding projects. It provides a platform for winning students to represent India at the International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF), the world’s largest international pre-college science competition, held annually in the U.S.

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IRIS in the News

Team India shines at world's largest pre-collegiate STEM completion in USA
Dec 14, 2023

Team India bags 22 awards at Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fai
Dec 14, 2023

Team India shine at Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair held in
Dec 14, 2023

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IRIS will not consider any project synopsis for evaluation or participation from a student who has registered for a previous IRIS as a student of class 12. No appeal will be entertained on the basis of the student appearing for re-examination through any government or private organisation/ institution.