What is IRIS?

Initiative for Research and Innovation in STEM (IRIS) National Fair is organized & implemented by EXSTEMPLAR Education Linkers Foundation. IRIS promotes science and research among young Indian innovators and recognizes and rewards their outstanding projects based on Science, Technology and Innovation. IRIS provides a platform for young geniuses to represent India at the Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) held in the USA.  

Each year, research-based science projects by young students, across 21 subject categories—are reviewed by an eminent jury comprising of scientists and domain experts. Then, the short-listed entries are showcased at the annual IRIS National Fair. 

IRIS reaches out to India’s 5 most influential school level science fairs to get rooted as one of the foremost research based science fairs in India. 

  1. Rashtriya Bal Vaigyanik Pradarshani - an initiative of the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT)
  2. National Children’s Science Congress - piloted by the National Council for Science and Technology Communication (NCSTC)
  3. National Council of Science Museums
  4.  CBSE Science Exhibition - for Central Board of Secondary Education schools across India (CBSE)
  5. INSPIRE - Innovation in Science Pursuit for Inspired Research

Winners from these fairs are invited to regional mentorship camps and offered guidance on participation in IRIS. With this, IRIS strives to foster the next generation of innovators.


Team India Winners that participated at ISEF


Awards won at ISEF by Team India


Number of Planets Named